Greenland Merino & Poll Merino Stud
"Merambego" Bungarby NSW 2630
Phone: John: 02 64536244 or Greg: 0487857821
2021 Show Results
Sydney Royal
Merino Production Class Winner of the HIGHEST SCORING RAM, his score consisted of Micron 17.4, GFW 16.5kgs, Fleece Value $207, CV 17.2, Eye Muscle 40, Fat 10, Body Weight 114kgs, Subjective 87.5, Total points 484.5.
Greenland Reserve Grand Champion Finewool Merino Ram shone through as the Champion of the Production Classes. This is always strongly contested section with it being very relevant to commercial reality. It accessed on objective measurements.
Reserve Grand Champion Finewool Ram.
Champion Medium Wool March Shorn Poll Merino Ram.
Reserve Grand Champion Superfine Merino Ewe.
Reserve Champion Finewool March Shorn Merino Ram.
Reserve Grand Champion Finewool Poll Merino Ram.
Reserve Champion Finewool March Shorn Poll Merino Ram.
Reserve Champion Superfine Wool March shorn Merino Ewe.
1st Medium wool skirted fleece Merino Ram
1st Finewool skirted fleece Merino Ram.
2nd Superfine wool fleece skirted Merino Ram.